Posted by James (admin) on 10th December 2012
Apologies for the lack of reviews this last week, I’ve had a lot of work to do (this time designing a freemium game which is very interesting).
I had the opportunity to download and play the iPhone version of Stone Age just before it hit the iPhone store.
I’m really pleased to say it seems excellent. I’ll write a proper review of it soon but the initial impression is that it’s an exact copy of the board game’s gameplay, plus the implementation is very clever.
Fitting everything on a tiny screen is a big challenge in Stone Age as there are lots of different board areas, but this has been achieved very well by displaying the main village areas on one screen and having the resource areas as overlays that slide on- and off- screen very quickly. Also, information about the other players like number of resources and cards held, as well as info on your own position are well handled with info tabs sliding out at a single tap. It’s very slick. Proper review to follow soon.
Tags: Board Games, iPhone, Stone Age
Posted in iPhone, Stone Age | No Comments »
Posted by James (admin) on 30th November 2012

The Stone Age game app for iPhone has been submitted to Apple and should be released in December. It’s been developed by Campfire Creations and, from the screen shots so far, it looks very promising. Stone Age is one of my favourite games (definitely top 10) so I’m looking forwards to seeing how it plays.
Their press release says, “Stone Age: The Board Game will include Pass-n-Play multi-player, three AI opponents, and asynchronous or synchronous online multi-player through Game Center” which sounds great.
The press release also says, “The app will also feature a ranked League Play option for the truly competitive Stone Age players. Campfire is already developing new language support, additional AI opponents, iPhone 5 support, a universal iPad upgrade, and a variety of other features and enhancements.”
Below are some screenshots. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, iPhone, Stone Age
Posted in Board Games, iPhone, On the Radar, Stone Age | No Comments »
Posted by James (admin) on 7th June 2011
Pantheon is by the same designer as Stone Age which is one of my favourite boardgames. I read through the rules recently and it’s definitely one I want to try out. As the name suggests, the theme involves the Gods.
The game’s played over 6 turns (epochs) and each turn one of the nations on the board is activated which means loot tiles are placed on hexes with that nation’s symbol, that nation’s special effect is executed and some god tiles are revealed.
During their turns, a player can either:
1. Move – Spend cards to place their coloured pieces on the board; thereby, claiming hexes in chains across the board which in turn can gain loot tiles.
2. Buy – Purchase sacrifice tiles & more pieces to place on the board
3. Gain a god tile – Gained by having enough sacrifice tiles and cards (although, unlike tiles, cards are single-use)
4. Draw 3 cards Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Hans in Glück, Pantheon, Stone Age, Tummelhofer
Posted in Board Games, On the Radar, Pantheon | No Comments »