Archive for the 'Replay' Category
Posted by James (admin) on 22nd November 2010
I played Merchants and Marauders again yesterday and, once again, we all thoroughly enjoyed it. As I mentioned in my review, it contains all the cool pirate actions you could want as well as lots of variety. The naval vessels and non-player pirate ships (NPCs) moved a lot more than our last game which also added more variety and action, especially for me as I had bounties on my head so I spent time avoiding the stronger ships.
Merchants & Marauders really is a first-class game and one I’m really pleased I bought. I know we will play it a lot more too. Below are some further thoughts:
Battles at Sea
The players were still quite pleasant to each other so there were very few player-versus-player combats. I tried but just couldn’t succeed at my scouting roll when it mattered so my “easy prey” human opponent managed to slip by me; however, we did have a couple of fights. First, one player totally destroyed my already very badly damaged ship as I’d just completed a couple of merchant raids. Their seamanship skill of 3 versus my 1 made it an easy win (I couldn’t use my seamanship of 2 because they had a bounty on them). Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Merchants & Marauders, Spiel 10, Spiel 2010
Posted in Board Games, Essen Spiel 10, Merchants & Marauders, Replay | No Comments »
Posted by James (admin) on 18th January 2010
[If you don’t know how to play Colonia, please read my initial review before reading this post.]
My initial review of Colonia was one of my earliest reviews and focussed a lot on how the game is played. My recent play of Colonia made me want to re-visit it and talk more about the gameplay.
This time we played with 5 players. The 3 of us that had played before were slightly concerned that it would be more chaotic than when we played with 4 because plans could be more easily disrupted by other players because there would be more players who could take the action you were planning before you did. In actuality, it didn’t feel like this and you just planned with other players in mind as usual. It did make player order even more important because the amount of materials/goods/contracts/relics are the same no matter how many players are playing. So, there were fewer materials/goods/contracts/relics per player to be had compared to a 4 player game. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Spiel 09
Posted in Board Games, Colonia, Essen Spiel 09, Replay | No Comments »
Posted by James (admin) on 9th December 2009
Nostra City originally grabbed my interest because it’s by the designers of Cold War (CIA v KGB). The theme was great, the rules sounded good and I enjoyed it when I played it at Spiel (initial review here). I’ve played it a few times since then and I still really like it for several reasons. (If you don’t know how the game is played, I suggest reading my initial review before this article.)
First of all, each game feels quite different. The cards that come up for auctions can really alter the shape of the game depending upon their mix. If there are lots of wiseguys early on, players may be more likely to cheat each other out of income because it will be scarce. If there’re lots of more racket/turf cards early on, income will be high and players may bid differently and have more options when making the boss more innocent or guilty. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Spiel 09
Posted in Board Games, Essen Spiel 09, Nostra City, Replay | No Comments »
Posted by James (admin) on 27th November 2009
[This is the final part of my three-part Stronghold Replay post (part one and part two) which is a more in-depth look at Stronghold and is a follow-up to my initial review.]
Please note that the Valley Games version of Stronghold (released March 2011) has massively updated rules to make them clear as the original rules were very confusing and had many conflicts.
The defender has two heroes who enhance the troops at a wall. These are very useful, especially as they can not be killed. One can increase the strength of the units on a wall, and the other adds some strength and can kill an invader unit before the assault. Of course, both of these special effects cost hourglasses, but can make a big difference.
The reverse side of the phase cards works really well. At the start of a turn, the invader can flip any of their phase cards over to use the options on the back which are different to the front. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Spiel 09
Posted in Board Games, Essen Spiel 09, Replay, Stronghold | No Comments »
Posted by James (admin) on 26th November 2009
[This is a follow-on from yesterday’s Stronghold Replay post (part one) which is a more in-depth look at Stronghold and is a follow-up to my initial review.]
Please note that the Valley Games version of Stronghold (released March 2011) has massively updated rules to make them clear as the original rules were very confusing and had many conflicts.
Most of the pathways to the castle can have either a trap (placed by the defender and which will kill some specific enemy units if they use the path) or a bridge (placed by the invader and which mean no trap can be placed there). Once they are placed, they can not be undone and remain there for the game. These seem relatively small but, once laid, the paths and traps really start to define the battlefield. Obvious routes that the invaders troops will probably follow start to form and this starts to determine which walls will be the preferred targets.
I thought this was a really nice gameplay mechanic and I would look to lay down traps or bridges earlier in future games. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Spiel 09
Posted in Board Games, Essen Spiel 09, Replay, Stronghold | No Comments »
Posted by James (admin) on 25th November 2009
Please note that the Valley Games version of Stronghold (released March 2011) has massively updated rules to make them clear as the original rules were very confusing and had many conflicts.
Stronghold is an epic game. It is filled with relatively simple options and decisions but there are lots of them and no definitive answer as to which will be right or wrong. The players act and then re-act to one another and there is little (or even no) downtime as play passes back and forth between invader and defender.
Having played Stronghold a couple of times, I thought I would post some further thoughts on the game (following-up on my initial review.) I discovered that not only is Stronghold epic but the length of this post was to become similarly epic too. So, below is the first of a three-part Stronghold replay report. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Spiel 09
Posted in Board Games, Essen Spiel 09, Replay, Stronghold | 3 Comments »
Posted by James (admin) on 21st November 2009
Langfinger was one of my favourite games (initial review) at Spiel 09 – simple, cute, fun and small.
Further plays reveals that there are definitely tactics to the game. The placing of your cubes which will determine you actions and their order offers some interesting decisions and quite a lot of trying to work out what the other players will be up to too. Mentally crossing your fingers that they won’t take the spot you want adds a nice excitement.
Also, the fencing of items (which is how you convert most goods into points) is really key as it can be a complete bottleneck. Having lots of hot stolen goods is (literally) pointless if you can not fence them. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Spiel 09
Posted in Board Games, Essen Spiel 09, Langfinger, Replay | No Comments »
Posted by James (admin) on 17th November 2009
Carson City is a people placement game that I really enjoyed on my first play (initial review). Lots to think about and plenty of difficult decisions. I was looking forwards to my second play and was interested to see if it would offer new challenges and opportunities.
During my second play, all the different characters continued to have their own appeal which was great as it meant no-one feels they’re left with a choice of total duds, although you can still find the characters that best fits your plan are not available because other players have already taken the ones you’d like most. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Spiel 09
Posted in Board Games, Carson City, Essen Spiel 09, Replay | No Comments »
Posted by James (admin) on 16th November 2009
I enjoyed Factory Manager a lot when I played it (initial review here). A second play (again with experienced gamers) was just as enjoyable and a chance to try my gained knowledge to improve my efficiency.
Like my initial play, I found there were lots of decisions to make which is not common to find in a relatively short game. So, it held my interest as before and kept my brain very busy. I still really like how the turn order is balanced by the later players getting discounts on all their purchases. It’s a really nice game mechanic as it means that turn order doesn’t over-dominate the game, which means players who have more workers available because they’ve gone the manpower efficiency route don’t automatically get to dominate the game. I can’t tell yet if it’s almost too balanced as few players have bid for these tiles in my games and no-one’s ever bid more than one worker, but it’s a nice system. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Spiel 09
Posted in Board Games, Essen Spiel 09, Power Grid Factory Manager, Replay | No Comments »
Posted by James (admin) on 16th November 2009
This is the first of my on-going updates of games which I have already reviewed, have now played again and had some more thoughts about them.
Tobago is a fun, relatively simple game with some fresh gameplay mechanics, a beautiful board and lovely pieces (initial review here). I’ve even seen talk of it being a nominee for the Spiel des Jahres – I can imagine that coming true but it’s a long way off yet.
On first play, the game may seem fun but shallow; however, this play of Tobago revealed that there are some light tactics to be found within the game, especially in the final turns. Adding clues to multiple treasure searches is a great way to gain treasure cards without neccesarily needing to move to pick the treasure up – so it pays to co-operate with others. However, one player will always find it tempting to dominate one treasure by playing lots of their own cards on it. This is fine early on but doing this late in the game means you’d better be able to pick it up yourself because no-one else is likely to do it for you. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Spiel 09
Posted in Board Games, Essen Spiel 09, Replay, Tobago | No Comments »