Review: Jamaica
Posted by James (admin) on 29th September 2010
Recently I’ve referred to Jamaica a couple of times (in previews of Sobek and Tikal II) because of its visual design. So, I thought I’d give it a proper review as it’s a really good, light game.
In Jamaica, players are pirate captains who are having a race – the first pirate ship around the island ends the game and ship with the most points wins. Each player has their own deck of actions cards and holds a hand of 3 cards. Each card shows two icons – the left one shows the day-time action and the right one shows the night-time action. The actions are: move forwards, move backwards, take gold, take food, take cannons and each card has a different mix of these action icons.
Each turn, the first player rolls two six-sided dice and allocates one to the day-time and the other to the night-time. These are now fixed for this round and all players will use those results. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Jamaica
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