Spiel 2014 Preview: Colt Express
Posted by James (admin) on 29th August 2014
Colt Express is a visually impressive looking game but the gameplay also sounds like a lot of fun. The players are all outlaws looting a train and the player with the most loot at the end of 5 rounds wins.
Players use cards in their hand to pre-program their outlaw’s actions. Each round a tile is drawn which states how many actions players will program and which of these will be declared face-up (so opponents know what you have planned that action) and which face-down. To make matters harder, players only have a sub-set of their cards to use each round, so they may not have access to every type of action, plus they have a limited number of each type of action too. As a result, you will need to work out how to achieve what you want with the cards you have and to factor in what other players may do too.
An outlaw can be located in a carriage or on the roof. Actions do things like: Move your outlaw (into a neighbouring carriage, or up to 3 along the roof), Move your outlaw from the carriage to the roof (or vice versa), Rob a passenger (take one of the loot tokens in your current carriage), Move the marshall figure (and Johnny Law shoots outlaws and makes them move to the roof), Punch and Shoot. If you punch an opponent, they drop one of their loot tokens and are moved to a neighbouring carriage/roof. If you shoot, you can only shoot into the next carriage if inside, or you can shoot to wherever the next outlaw is if you’re on the roof.
If you get shot, you add a bullet card to your deck from the player who shot you. This card is useless so being wounded can reduce the number of useful cards you have to use for actions (if it’s one of the ones you draw). Players have limited bullet cards and there’s a bonus for the player who shoots the most. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Colt Express, Essen, Ludonaute, Spiel 14, Spiel 2014
Posted in Board Games, Colt Express, Essen Spiel 14, Preview, Spiel 2014 | No Comments »