Replay: Tobago
Posted by James (admin) on 16th November 2009
This is the first of my on-going updates of games which I have already reviewed, have now played again and had some more thoughts about them.
Tobago is a fun, relatively simple game with some fresh gameplay mechanics, a beautiful board and lovely pieces (initial review here). I’ve even seen talk of it being a nominee for the Spiel des Jahres – I can imagine that coming true but it’s a long way off yet.
On first play, the game may seem fun but shallow; however, this play of Tobago revealed that there are some light tactics to be found within the game, especially in the final turns. Adding clues to multiple treasure searches is a great way to gain treasure cards without neccesarily needing to move to pick the treasure up – so it pays to co-operate with others. However, one player will always find it tempting to dominate one treasure by playing lots of their own cards on it. This is fine early on but doing this late in the game means you’d better be able to pick it up yourself because no-one else is likely to do it for you. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Spiel 09
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