Review: Keltis – The Tile Game
Posted by James (admin) on 18th December 2009
Keltis won the Spiel des Jahres 2008 but it seems to have had a luke warm response. So, it would be easy to dismiss “Keltis: Der Weg der Steine” (Way of the Stones); however, this smaller, simple but different Keltis game is actually a really good filler game and should not be dismissed just because of its larger and older relative.
Keltis: Way of the Stones purely comprises of 55 tiles which are stones with numbers from 0 to 10 in 5 different colours on their fronts. In addition to the colour and number, a few stones have a celtic symbol, a few have bonus points, and a few have wish stones on them too. At the start, all the stones are placed face-down and mixed together. Players then take turns when they can either (a) reveal a stone and keep it, (b) reveal a stone and leave it face-up where it is, or (c) take a face-up stone that was already revealed but not taken. If a player takes a tile with a celtic symbol on it, they immediately take another turn. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming
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