Review: Bunny Bunny Moose Moose
Posted by James (admin) on 13th December 2009
In Bunny Bunny Moose Moose, players use their hands to make deer antler or bunny ear shapes to score points. Each turn, one player takes the role of the hunter who reads out a poem and reveals a card at the end of each line. Only 6 cards are in play at any one time, so the 7th card replaces the 1st card, and so on. All the other players sit in a row facing the hunter so they can see the cards. On the table there is a score track and each player has a moose and bunny piece.
The cards show either a moose or a bunny: a moose card can show a mixture of antlers up or down, wide or narrow, and on the left or right or both; a bunny card can show ears straight or floppy, at the side or on top of their heads, and on the left or right or both. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Spiel 09
Posted in Board Game Review, Board Games, Bunny Bunny Moose Moose, Essen Spiel 09 | No Comments »