Posted by James (admin) on 29th August 2014
Colt Express is a visually impressive looking game but the gameplay also sounds like a lot of fun. The players are all outlaws looting a train and the player with the most loot at the end of 5 rounds wins.
Players use cards in their hand to pre-program their outlaw’s actions. Each round a tile is drawn which states how many actions players will program and which of these will be declared face-up (so opponents know what you have planned that action) and which face-down. To make matters harder, players only have a sub-set of their cards to use each round, so they may not have access to every type of action, plus they have a limited number of each type of action too. As a result, you will need to work out how to achieve what you want with the cards you have and to factor in what other players may do too.
An outlaw can be located in a carriage or on the roof. Actions do things like: Move your outlaw (into a neighbouring carriage, or up to 3 along the roof), Move your outlaw from the carriage to the roof (or vice versa), Rob a passenger (take one of the loot tokens in your current carriage), Move the marshall figure (and Johnny Law shoots outlaws and makes them move to the roof), Punch and Shoot. If you punch an opponent, they drop one of their loot tokens and are moved to a neighbouring carriage/roof. If you shoot, you can only shoot into the next carriage if inside, or you can shoot to wherever the next outlaw is if you’re on the roof.
If you get shot, you add a bullet card to your deck from the player who shot you. This card is useless so being wounded can reduce the number of useful cards you have to use for actions (if it’s one of the ones you draw). Players have limited bullet cards and there’s a bonus for the player who shoots the most. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Colt Express, Essen, Ludonaute, Spiel 14, Spiel 2014
Posted in Board Games, Colt Express, Essen Spiel 14, Preview, Spiel 2014 | No Comments »
Posted by James (admin) on 12th June 2014
Lewis & Clark is a game about the famous explorers’ journey across North America and the players race along the route from St Louis to Fort Clatsop (on the Pacific coast) which is a sequence of river and mountain spaces. The winner is the first player to make camp at Fort Clatsop.
Players have characters (cards) and Indians (meeple) which they use to take actions which earn resources and, ultimately, advance their scout. Each player starts with a board showing several boats (and they can gain more) which is where they store their resources and Indians. The boats limit how much a player can carry but they have another important role/effect too when it comes to making camp.
Making Camp
On their turn, a player can ‘make camp’ which moves their camp marker to where their scout is, plus they pick-up all their played cards back into their hand. However, before placing the camp marker, the scout must first move backwards a number of spaces based on how many unplayed cards the player has, plus the resources/Indians in their boats. Each boat specifically carries resources or Indians – some carry items without penalty, some have a flat rate cost regardless of contents, and some have a penalty for every item in the boat. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Lewis & Clark, Lewis and Clark, Ludonaute, Spiel 13, Spiel 2013
Posted in Board Game Review, Board Games, Essen Spiel 13, Lewis and Clark, Spiel 2013 | 6 Comments »
Posted by James (admin) on 26th August 2013
Lewis & Clark is a race to be the first player whose camp reaches the Pacific Ocean. Players have cards, indians and resources and each player has a board showing several boats in which they store their resources and indians, and which boat these are placed in also makes a difference too.
Cards are dual use (double-sided) – they can be used for their action, or for their strength. When a card is played to perform an action, it must be accompanied with either another card and/or indians to set its strength which determines how many times the action can be performed. Actions allow players to move their scout forwards, gather other resources, improve their expedition, etc. Quite often the number of resources gained is based on the card you and your neighbouring payers have in front of them.
Players can also send indians from their exploration party to the village to perform actions there instead. During the game, the player advances their scout across the country and, at times, they will move their camp forwards. Players who use/allocate most of their resources and indians before they move their camp will advance the most. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Lewis & Clark, Ludonaute, Spiel 13, Spiel 2013
Posted in Board Games, Essen Spiel 13, Lewis and Clark, On the Radar, Spiel 2013 | No Comments »
Posted by James (admin) on 13th April 2011
Yggdrasil is a co-operative game where the players are Norse gods trying to stop the evil ones causing the end of the world. The first thing that strikes you is the artwork which is colour-rich, polished and seems almost backlit – which will be familiar to you if you’ve played or seen Ghost Stories as it’s by the same artist. The board shows the great cosmic tree that supports the nine worlds.
During the game, the 6 evil ones advance across the 8 spaces towards Asgard. Each turn, the current player draws an evil one card and then takes 3 actions. Each evil one card shows which evil one advances 1 space towards Asgard and each evil one has a power too which get stronger as they advance. The players lose if 5 evil ones go past the 3rd space, 3 evil ones go past the 5th space, or 1 evil one reaches the final 8th space (Asgard). The players win if they can exhaust the evil one deck without losing, so they need to force the evil ones back and this is done through combat and the Norse gods will need the support of Viking spirits to stand a chance of beating them. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Ludonaute, Spiel 10, Spiel 2010, Yggdrasil, Z-Man Games
Posted in Board Game Review, Board Games, Essen Spiel 10, Yggdrasil | 1 Comment »