A Quick Update
Posted by James (admin) on March 13th, 2011
New reviews will be online next week. I’m about to launch the new boardgames community site I’ve been working on – hopefully tomorrow – so that will give me an opportunity to write-up some new reviews.
I had a day off from coding yesterday to attend the games day at Eclectic Games shop in Reading (UK) yesterday which featured games from Z-Man Games. It was a day tournament where you get assigned to random games against random mixtures of players. I played Grimoire, Bridge Troll, Troyes and Skyline 3000.
I shall add reviews of Grimoire, Cave Troll and Skyline 3000 soon. I really enjoyed Skyline as it felt like Manhattan (one of my favourite games with 4 players) but with different challenges. Bridge Troll was very interesting and I liked it although it took a while to get my head around how to get what I wanted. I’d played Grimoire once before and it’s a very clever game design – I look forwards to the full English version from Z-Man as the text on the current version is in both Japanese and English so quite small to read. I like Troyes and enjoyed it even more on this play because my previous plays meant I could focus on my game choices. Most of the cards were different to ones in my previous games (as there’s a lot of variation in the game set-up each game) which meant it was a fresh challenge. I’ll add full reviews of the other 3 games soon.
I’ve come 2nd overall in a couple of the Eclectic tournaments (and third once), but with 2 game wins, one 3rd and one 4th place this time meant I did well but not well enough to endanger taking home a prize.