Review: Rokoko
Posted by James (admin) on 1st June 2014
Rokoko is a euro-game about preparing for the ball at the Royal Palace. This may sound pretty light-weight but, do not be fooled, this is a euro-game with a lot of moving parts to work out, balance and combine – so it’s a game for gamers. It’s one of the games nominated for Spiel des Jahres Kennerspiel 2014 (the German complex game of the year).
Players are aiming to earn the most Prestige Points (PPs) by the end of the game which is 7 rounds long when the ball takes place. Players each have cards which represent their tailors and, at the start of each round, players select 3 of their available tailors to use during that round. Players then take turns using one tailor to perform 1 action and they can also carry out any bonus shown on the tailor’s card too. Tailors are either apprentices, journeymen, or masters and some actions can not be performed by the less experienced tailors, i.e. only journeymen and masters can make dresses, and only masters can hire new tailors. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Eggertspiele, Essen, Pegasus Spiele, Rococo, Rokoko, SdJ, Spiel 13, Spiel 2013, Spiel des Jahres
Posted in Board Game Review, Board Games, Essen Spiel 13, Rokoko, Spiel 2013 | No Comments »