Review: Orléans
Posted by James (admin) on 25th March 2015

The main board with the different character tracks on the left, the roads/rivers/cities where players move and build trading posts on the right, and development track across the bottom.
Orléans is from dlp games who released the highly-entertaining game Citrus last year. Orléans combines multiple game mechanics such as bag-building, meeple movement, and worker placement.
Each player has a bag of character tokens (farmers, knights, craftsmen, etc.) and players will add more tokens to their bag during the game. At the start of each round, players draw some characters from their bag, and each player places them on their player boards in specific combinations to activate actions. Most actions require 2 or 3 characters to activate them so there are often tricky choices deciding in which combinations to allocate the drawn characters each turn. Players can part-fill actions and complete them on a later turn too.
There are lots of different actions to choose from. Many add a character to your bag and then advance you along the matching track on the central game board which give a benefit – the further along a track you are, the better the benefit. For example, adding a boatman to your bag advances you along the boatman track which earns you coins. Adding a knight to your bag also advances you along the knight track which allows you to draw more characters at the start of each round. Adding a trader to your bag allows you to take one of the building tiles and you can use the special action on it from then onwards – some special actions are cheaper versions of the main actions, but most are special abilities such as creating goods, or using a boatman character as a craftsman/farmer/trader instead. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, dlp games, Essen, Orléans, Spiel 14, Spiel 2014
Posted in Board Game Review, Board Games, Essen Spiel 14, Orléans, Spiel 2014 | No Comments »