On The Radar: Artus
Posted by James (admin) on 12th April 2011
The game’s full name is ‘Artus and the Knights of the Round Table’ and the reason this game has caught my attention is that it is by the same designers who created El Grande which is one of my favourite games (as wel as many others like Tikal I, Tikal II and Asara).
During the game, players play cards from their hand (they each have identical decks) to move their Knights (usually clockwise) around the table. Each chair has a number next to it ranging from -15 to +10. When a knight moves, the player scores points equal to the number of the chair they leave. If a knight moves to a chair already occupied by a knight then that knight gets displaced to the first empty chair anti-clockwise. Players also have cards that move the princes, make a prince into a new king, and trigger scoring situations (i.e. score all your knights on the carpet chairs, etc.)
The gameplay sounds clean, simple and tactical, but the extra twist is that when the King moves (or a prince becomes the new King) the whole table is rotated so the King is at the crown position which can shift the numbers (and, therefore, the potential for scoring) a lot. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Artus, board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Knights of the Round Table
Posted in Artus, Board Games, On the Radar | 2 Comments »