Review: Island Siege
Posted by James (admin) on 8th April 2014
Island Siege caught my interest when it was a Kickstarter project but I only picked it up recently. A game for 2-players, it’s a card game at heart but feels bigger because the cards played stay on the table (well, until they’re blown to smithereens) and there are some very nice metal coins, a few wooden meeple and some dice too.
A player wins at the very start of their turn if all of the colonists on their Imperial card have been placed elsewhere or if they have 20+ coins. Each player starts with a fortress, a few cards in hand, and 9 colonists (meeple) on their Imperial card. Each turn, a player moves 1 colonist from their Imperial card onto each of their fortresses and then either:
- Draws 3 cards, keeping 2 and giving the other to their opponent
- Pays the relevant cost to build a card (fortress, ship or building) from their hand
- Attacks one of their opponent’s fortresses
Fortresses can be built for free, but adding extra building blocks (black/grey/white cubes) from your supply makes them stronger and earns coins. Buildings and ships can be built by moving enough colonists from a single fortress card to the building/ship card and this also earn coins. Buildings are added to a fortress giving it special abilities, but buildings are lost if the fortress they’re attached to is destroyed. Ships are independent, have special abilities and can also be destroyed.
Tags: Ape Games, board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Island Siege
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