Review: Grand Cru
Posted by James (admin) on 20th December 2010
Grand Cru is one of several wine-making themed games released at Essen this year. Each player owns a vineyard (board) where they will place the wine they make and any tiles they buy – each tile shows either one type of vine or a special action. There are 5 types of wine each represented by a different colour (which represents a type of grape/vine). Players take out loans during the game (each worth 7 cash) but must pay interest each round. Each round players take turns performing just 1 action each.
Developing a Vineyard
As an action, a player can choose one of the newly drawn, face-up tiles and start an auction for it by placing one of their markers on their bid price (1-6). On their turn, any other player can use an action to raise a bid (max price 6). If a player is still the highest bidder, they can use an action to buy that tile. Also, a player can use an action to immediately buy any face-up tile (whether being auctioned or not) for 7 cash. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Grand Cru, Spiel 10, Spiel 2010
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