Review: Basilica
Posted by James (admin) on 7th November 2010
Basilica is a fast, relatively simple and tight 2-player only game where players are building a cathedral and trying to score the most points. It may start out as a nice amiable building game but, don’t be deceived, soon you’ll be obstructing your opponent as much as assisting your own building.
The main game components are the double-sided game tiles – coloured vault floor on one side and an order (special action) on the other. Each player has 5 builders (cubes) as well as one coin. On the game board are 2 rows of 3 tiles – the bottom row are vault side up and the top row are order side up. The game board also shows the current scores and the king’s progress. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Basilica, board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Spiel 10, Spiel 2010
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