Game Session: 4th Sept 2010
Posted by James (admin) on 8th September 2010
Occasionally, a friend of mine runs an all-day boardgames tournament at the games shop (Eclectic Games) in Reading (UK) where anyone can turn up and play. The day consists of around 5 or 6 games each played with 3 or 4 players and the people in each group changes every game so you get to play with most people present. Saturday was the fourth of these tournament days (called BADGER which stands for Berskhire All-Day Gaming Extravaganza in Reading) and I got to play games that were mostly new to me.
The games I played were: Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: BADGER, board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Caylus, Eclectic Games, Il Principe, Louis XIV, Samurai, The Downfall of Pompeii
Posted in Board Games, Caylus, Downfall of Pompeii, Games Session, Il Principe, Louis XIV, Samurai | No Comments »