Review: 7 Wonders
Posted by James (admin) on 24th January 2011
7 Wonders was the most anticipated game of Spiel 2010 with a very effective pre-launch campaign and general word-of-mouth. During the game, each player builds various buildings including developing their wonder of the world. The winner is the player that scores the most victory points (VPs).
The game lasts 3 eras and each era consists of 6 turns. Each turn, players pick one of the building cards in their hand and either:
(a) Build it
– Paying resources (if their built buildings produce enough or bought from neighbours)
– For free (if they built the pre-requisite building, or if it’s a basic building requiring zero resources)
(b) Discard it for 3 cash
(c) Use the card to build the next stage of their wonder (with the relevant resources)
Sounds pretty standard, right? Well, there are several game mechanics that make 7 Wonders very different to other games. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: 7 Wonders, board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Spiel 10, Spiel 2010
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