Review: 20th Century
Posted by James (admin) on 11th December 2010
In 20th Century, players try to make the largest and best nation by the end of the century to score the most victory points (VPs). The game lasts 6 rounds and uses 2 main currencies: money and science.
Each round starts with the players bidding for landscape tiles which each show a number of cities and railway lines. Each city has icons showing what they produce (money, science, VPs and recycling) but cities will only produce these resources if they are populated. Regardless of how many cities are on a tile, a player only receives 1 population marker for each tile they buy. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: 20th Century, board game news, Board Games, board gaming, Essen, Spiel 10, Spiel 2010
Posted in 20th Century, Board Game Review, Board Games, Essen Spiel 10 | 2 Comments »