Spiel 2014 Preview: Admiral’s Order – All Hands
Posted by James (admin) on October 1st, 2014
They’re at it again. Yes, the brilliantly (mentally) enourmous scope of Admiral’s Order is back again but this year it has a slightly smaller version of the game.
Last year, I posted about Admiral’s Order as it looked superb but was (sadly) on a scale way larger than I could play. A game of ship-to-ship warfare with dozens of hand-made wooden ships all with their names burned onto their sides and enough ships to re-create some of the largest naval battles you can think of. When I saw it in person at Spiel last year, it really did look great.
This year’s game is “Admiral’s Order: All Hands!” which uses the same rules as the previous game but All Hands comes with ‘only’ 36 ships and 5 different scenarios. It can be played as a stand-alone game so is kind of an ‘entry-level’ version of the larger game (although I use the term ‘entry level’ very much in the context of Admiral’s Order, so that’s still pretty complex/detailed compared to other games).
Like the original game and expansion, All Hands is hand-made with wooden ships, wooden box, and wooden tokens, so the same production values have been applied.
I believe rules for solo play are being (or have already been) released too.
More info and the rules are available on Strategema’s web site which can be reached using this shortlink: bga.me/admirals
For more Spiel 2014 previews, check out my Spiel 2014 Previews page which lists the games on my radar with links to their previews too.