Achtung! Cthulhu Kickstarter project

Posted by James (admin) on March 11th, 2013

Assault on the Mountains of Madness creatureThe Achtung! Cthulhu Keepers and Investigators Kickstarter project smashed its £8,000 target in just 26 hours.

The Kickstarter project is for the Achtung! Cthulhu Keeper’s and Investigator’s handbooks which can be played with the Basic Role-Playing system as well as the Savage Worlds system too.  It has already reached a lot of stretch goals which means the two books will be full-colour hardbacks; however, other stretch goals already reached mean many backers will also be receiving loads of extra supplements in PDF form (with an option to upgrade to physical versions).

One supplement is the superbly named campaign ‘Assault on the Mountains of Madness’.  A piece of concept art for the campaign is shown here.  The first two parts of this campaign have been unlocked already and the third (and final) part is within reach.  Some other stretch goals already reached are another campaign (Shadows of Atlantis) and some sourcebooks too.

Assault on the Mountains of Madness landscape

If you’re not aware of Achtung! Cthulhu, it  is a World War Two setting mixed with Cthulhu horror.  The official web site says “Discover the secret history of World War Two – stories of the amazing heroism which struggled to overthrow a nightmare alliance of science and the occult, of frightening inhuman conspiracies from the depths of time, and the unbelievable war machines which were the product of Nazi scientific genius – and how close we all came to a slithering end!”

The Kickstarter page is here: which has 22 days to go.

Disclaimer: I know one of the writers on the project which is how I’m aware of it, but am posting this as I’ve always enjoyed Cthulhu role-playing and this sounds really interesting.

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