New Metagames Reviews

Posted by James (admin) on August 28th, 2012

After an extended break, I’m pleased to say that new reviews will start being added to the Metagames blog – starting today with an excellent bidding game.

Why the break?  Unfortunately, I had to turn my attention to personal and business matters over the last months which just didn’t allow me the spare time to write new reviews.  I was always disappointed not to be able to post new reviews, but I knew I would return to reviewing games at some point as soon as I was able.

So, thanks to everyone who has kept checking the site, following on Twitter and subscribed to the RSS feed.  I won’t be adding a new review every day as I did for long periods before, but they will be fairly regular.  Please check twitter or subscribe to the RSS feed so you’ll know when new reviews are posted.

One Response to “New Metagames Reviews”

  1. sean Says:

    welcome back! I have been checking this website and to my surprise a new review!

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